Are You a Diligent Data Steward?

Julie Mills 091014-1ITCRA’s most recent Business Knowledge webinar discussed the importance of data quality and the role every business has in taking responsibility for stewardship of data collection, management, de-identification and ultimately destruction. This webinar was oversubscribed which is indicative of how important this topic has become as it overlaps many areas of business for recruiters and their clients.

We all do it – we keep that file, that business card, that piece of paper, note, phone detail because it may just be the next lead, the person we need to contact or details we want to share with someone else. But, how many of us have a serious approach to the information cycle of creation-distribution-deletion and when do we implement it?

I spent the last 10 days in Singapore at The Global Recruiter Asia Pac Summit, then in meetings and finally on holiday and, along the way I collected countless emails, business cards, phone contacts and other personal details as part of the whole “networking” and “connection process” that goes with such a trip.

Do I need them all? Probably not. Will I follow up with each of them to say thanks for the meeting? Yes! So what do I do with these personal details long term and what is my process for managing the “information cycle” at a personal as well as a business level?

These questions impact ITCRA as well as Julie Mills, as I have, through ITCRA’s records, commenced the information cycle of creation-distribution-deletion that impacts every piece of personal information I include in the database and on the contacts list.

So if you missed the webinar but want a detailed overview of key points you need to consider to be a business that takes data stewardship seriously, then read this discussion from Dianne Gibert from SEC Consulting and ensure you have your processes in place. Read more here